God is real and is still working TODAY and not just in the time of the bible.
We are supposed to use the time of the bible to open our spiritual eyes to see how God function in this earthly realm.
Nothing has changed spiritually, however everything has changed physically. The realm of the spirit of God functions the same and we who are called for the spiritual purposes understand this.
The Real world is the spiritual world, simply because that is the only world that changes not. We may be in a different ERA, conditioned by powerful humans, the spiritual realm is never contred by these humans but God.
We need to understand that in every ERA, powerful humans did try to rule and failed. How do I know this? The very book that we call the bible shows us all these stories for a reason.
God is still the CEO of the spiritual realm and the function of that realm is exactly how it was for Abraham, Sarah, Esther, Ruth, John the baptist, Saul, Noah, Adam and eve and even my brother Jesus.
Nothing has change, just a different Era, with same spiritual function. Believe me or not, it's the truth and I stand and defend only the Truth.
The truth is the real world is the spiritual world.
Blessed Week ahead.